Sunday, April 29, 2012
On May 1, author Brenda Novak's Annual Online Auction for the Cure of Diabetes. Since this fight began, the auction has raised over 1/3 million dollars to find a cure for diabetes. One has to register in order to bid, but it's an easy process:
Once more the literary community has joined in the effort and you'll find many wonderful items up for auction. Carina Press authors have loaded a Kindle, Kindle Fire and Nook with their books [including yours truly with Her Dark Protector]. The link to our page is:
Nora Roberts is offering a one night's stay at her Inn Boonsboro; you can lunch with Steve Berry. Grab an autographed copy from your fav author or name a character in an upcoming book. Find birthday and Xmas presents that are unique. There are even daily 'blue plate' specials so you don't need to wait until May 31 to get a special item.
Diabetes can be a cruel, debilitating illness. For my mother, it all began with her stepping on a needle and the wound becoming affected. That's when we first learned she had diabetes and began a nightmare of endless doctor visits. Eventually the never-ending complications took her. I wouldn't wish what she went through on anyone. That's why a cure is so important. With your support of Brenda's auction, the research can continue.
Join the fight during the month of May by bidding. And I thank you. Carol